"RT @sarahc33 #LifeisGoodEP because I know these two tests I'm taking today don't define who I am... it's what I do afterward that does."
She is SO right. While my grade on these exams matters to my current life and what I'm immersed in right now, they don't define me. Why stress out so much over something that will be over in just a few hours time? These exams do not make or break my life. While this does not mean I'm not going to be studying anymore, I am going to calm down about them. And look at all I have to look forward to afterward - I get to drive to Morgantown, WV and then Washington, D.C. with some of my best friends and spend a week there learning about my future career (don't worry, there WILL be a post about it all).
No more stress for me. Just breathe everyone - this week will be over soon.
Stay positive!
1 2 3 Stay cool!